Chain Story 3

The New Breed


Telephone Story 3


Starting Sentence

Totally, completely, deliciously, and no doubt illegally naked, Tanya knew her clothes had to be in her car, but she had no idea where she’d left the damned thing.

Author 1: Scarab

She ran over to the bushes by the side of the dirt road, hiding from the gaze of the condemning street light, trying to judge how far she’d have to run to get back home.

The lights of Kempsley, the town that had been her home for the past four years, was visible in the distance, some vague silhouettes of buildings just barely cutting through the moonlight. It was a couple of miles at least.

As she snapped off a bunch of leaves to hide her nakedness and started jogging back through the light drizzle, damp mud sloshing through her toes with every step, she wondered what she was thinking when she chose the University of Kempsley to study her law degree.

It seemed like only yesterday that she was graduating from high school, back when everything was so simple, she knew exactly where her life was going; go to university, go traveling, get a job, and get married. Nothing about life was intimidating.

Now, four years later, as she found herself alone in the dark, with nothing to accompany her but the sound of her feet slapping against the moist ground and the gentle kiss of cold rain on her face, she knew it could never have been that simple.

Story 3 Image Submission 1: Privateer Puddin'

Author 1: [Cameron]

Emily didn’t run late for much in her life, and such a rare occasion as today, was made even more exceptional for the fact that she was completely and utterly naked.

Being a college student had made her poor, surviving on noodles and beer works its toll on the best of us at these times, but with a large sense of humor, a high tolerance for embarrassment and a keen sense of business, Emily was determined to win every bet presented to her and avoid such a terrible diet.

Although coming up with this idea made her feel proud, today's event really drove home just how much she was going to have to go through. The bet was simple, and she remembered it clearly from breakfast with her friends.

“Last years Graduation was delayed because of those floods we had, and today they are finally holding the formal ceremony…”

It had started with that sentence and ended with Emily staring down a large crowd of dressed up students and parents, slowly building her courage, when the rain first started falling. Stripping down and sprinting towards the crowd left her with one final thought, ‘Didn’t every Penthouse letter start something like this’

Author 2: wonkyth

She was also beginning to feel hungry. It was three twenty-five by now, at least according to the large, dying LED clock hung in the window of the Beer and Beans Café, seven hours since she had decided to chase that dog.

With the benefit of hindsight, it didn’t even look like Thomas’ dog much anyway, and the collar was brown rather than red. But at the time her mind was on edge, and anything that reminded her of Thomas or Sam immediately sprung into her mind. She should have come back later, after telling someone where she was going, and maybe packing some food. But there was no way her troubled soul was going to let a potential clue get away.

Stupid troubled soul. If she wasn’t so tense about the whole thing, she was sure she’d be able to make more sense of things, but she was exhausted, so her head was bound to be full of better ideas like that.

As she walked over a hill, her drifting thoughts were herded back to the present by a figure standing under a bus shelter. He was wearing a long coat that came down to his knees, with a distinct lack of hat on his head. His face was glowing a hazy blue, lit up by the phone he was idly thumbing.

Somewhere at the back of her mind, she briefly wondered what he was doing standing there, as there were no busses due for at least two hours, but these thoughts were quickly replaced with things of much more importance.

Story 3 Image Submission 2: NsMn

Author 2: tzachs

There was a little bit of everything when she entered the great hall- a mixture of laughter, screams of terror, some clapping, and some angry looks.

Emily looked around with a proud smile, and spotted her friends sitting in one of the corners. They were part of the ‘angry looks’ group, knowing they would now have to pay her a substantial amount of cash.

Suddenly all the noise stopped as a high pitched scream was heard from the main stage- “Emily, enough!”

That was Dr Van-Lehbiann, her professor in advanced inorganic chemistry class, and also the woman in charge of the formal ceremony.

Emily originally thought that Van-Lehbiann will approve of the prank, considering the rumors about her sexual tendencies (and the facial hair didn’t hurt either), but judging the “you’re dead” look on the teacher’s face, Emily realized she was deadly mistaken.

Dr Van-Lehbiann rushed towards her at a frightening speed, and Emily began to feel an irrational fear, and started praying that some miracle will save her from the wrath of the approaching walrus, a pray that will be immediately answered, but probably not in the best way imagined.

A huge blast was suddenly heard from outside the hall. People ran outside in panic, and Emily ran with them, to see what happened.

Emily was shocked, as everyone else, to see a huge crater where the bus stop once stood.

But something even more bizarre soon caught her eyes and nobody else seemed to notice it - on the other side of the street, stood a blue skinned man, wearing an expensive suit and holding a weird device.

Author 3: Dualnames

The problem with running to catch something, is that speed and time, appear to be more important factors during the chase, than they usually turn out to be in some other normal situation. Also common sense seemed distorted and false in a way, because she failed to realize that her house was the opposite way. Also she was still naked.

The man seemed deeply engrossed in his mobile phone. Some water was dripping at the edge of the bus shelter falling just by the man's head, carefully avoiding him. She on the other hand, wasn't much into avoiding the rain. She was getting cold.

The man suddenly stopped twitching with his phone, and he left his coat on the bench. This was her chance; well, not really. The man would probably notice right away. However she couldn't think anything else but the coat. The coat was rather old and quite out of fashion, but nobody really cared about that. The man reached for his left pocket. He took his keys out and something else, but she didn't have the time to get a good look at it.

Story 3 Image Submission 3: Vince Twelve

Author 3: Jim Reed

While the crowd rushed to the crater of the bus, along with Dr Van-Lehbiann, Emily, as a smart girl she is, quickly side stepped and crossed the road. She had a funny thought about being naked and trying to hide, but she didn't even have the time to laugh inwardly, as the blue skinned woman aimed the device on her and pressed the trigger.


She awoke to the sound of a machine buzz, the kind that air conditioners make. Funny, she wasn't cold. And then it hit her! Where was she? What did that blue-skinned woman do to her? Looking around, whilst taking a few deep breaths, she realized she was lying on some sort of a metal surface. She was in a small room, with no visible exits or windows. "Oh, my God!", she screamed. "They kidnapped me!"

Just as she was saying that, there was a quiet "FLOP!" and a pair of purple eyes were looking at her. When she realized that the eyes belonged to the blue-skinned woman, and that she apparently materialized out of thin air, Emily jumped off the metal concoction she was lying on and landed heavily on the even harder metal floor. She squeeked a painful "ouch!", followed by a "...what is going on here?" addressed to the still form of the blue-skinned woman.

Author 4: discordance

She was too busy staring at the long coat on the bench. The rain was soaking into her skin. Pneumonia was just around the corner. Of course, if the man caught her the situation could be a difficult one to explain. On the other hand, there was no going home tonight and freezing to death wouldn't help anyone. She hated making decisions like this.

What had Thomas said? “You think too rigidly, Tanya,” that was it. “Have you ever tried a bit of spontaneity? It would be good for you.” In fact, that was the last thing he'd ever said to her.

She darted under the shelter and snatched up the coat, wrapped it around her body. The man turned around.

“Evening,” he said, raising his eyebrows a little.

“Evening,” said Tanya a bit breathlessly. That was when she noticed that the second object he'd pulled out of his pocket was a gun.

“That's my coat, you know,” he said.

“Rather,” she said. “Um. I don't think you know me? My name is Tanya.”

“Oh, so you're Tanya,” said the man, a delighted smile spreading across his face. “What a wonderful coincidence! We've been looking for you for hours. You knew Thomas, didn't you?”

“Hello, Sam,” she said. “Yes I did.”

Story 3 Image Submission 4: Tuomas

Author 4: ShiverMeSideways

The blue-skinned woman threw Emily a pair of blue-jeans, a white brassiere and lingerie, and a white waistcoat and informed her to get dressed. Our perplexed protagonist proceeded painfully pulling pants on and was asked to follow the blue-skinned woman.

“I am Laura,” the strange teal-exterior-sporting female said, “and welcome to the IFFSDASODIA!”.

The two then entered a quite fascinating briefing room that felt part of a quite great underground complex.

“The what?” asked Emily.

“The Institute For Female Spies Doing All Sorts Of Dangerous International Activities.”

Emily thought about it.

“The what?” she asked again.

“Look, you’ve been selected to be a female spy. ‘Cos you’re special. Are you game?”

“No, not really, no.”

“Well, tough. Look here…”

Laura showed Emily a 3D projection of the world. The projection zoomed into Europe, then France, then Monaco, then a casino in Monte Carlo.

“You are to kill James Hardwood, an international businessman who recently had a «falling out» with our organization,” continued Laura.

“How so?”

“He called a woman a poo-face.”

“Woah, and just for that…”

“Yes. If you have a problem with our policies then you can write up a formal complaint and stuff it.”

“Woah, lady, calm down!... somebody needs a good shag…”

Laura then stared down Emily with the intent to kill. The two vixens of voluptuousness then continued to the tech labs to meet Blinkers, a 16-year old skinny nerd with bad skin and who gets overly-excited when seeing the colour blue, especially when applied on women. He presents Emily with a sword not unlike the samurai-wielding variety:

“This… this… now, THIS is your Hack’n’Slash Device of Ultimate Mastery!”

“Looks like an ordinary plain sword to me,” replies Emily.

Blinkers then lets out a sigh as if all his hopes, dreams, and plans had been beaten to death with a stick aptly named “Reality”.

And off was Emily to Monte Carlo!

In the lobby of the Cha-Ching Casino she is greeted by a man in white trousers and a pink blouse accompanied by 10 burly men who proceed to close all exits.

“Good evening, miss Emily,” the man said.

“Hey, monsieur Hardwood,” Emily replied, “my, that is quite the girly shirt you have on!”

Then, Hardwood pulls out a gun, and Emily readies the sword.

Author 5: Ascovel

“Of course she did.”

The figure at whom Tanya called “Sam” was slowly emerging from the darkness behind the man with the gun.

Sam, or rather Samantha Kowalski, was the biggest surprise that life in Kempsley has brought for Tanya. A month after she got to know the woman, she found out that Sam was in fact her identical twin sister she never knew existed! While that explained some things, it also did complicate her life considerably…

And now, all of a sudden, Sam was standing before her in the rain, wearing a similar coat and apparently also being completely naked under it.

While Tanya was getting a little bit worried about pneumonia and losing the track of that dog, this new realization brought fear upon her. “If Sam is doing exactly what I’m doing, then my worst suspicions have just been confirmed!”

Panic swiftly took over Tanya’s body. Suddenly, she reached into the coat’s right pocket, took out some unknown object and stuck it in her mouth. Then she began to chew.

While she chewed, she watched the man’s expression gradually turn to, first, surprise, then, utter disgust. But she didn’t care - she was fantasizing she caught the dog’s paw in her teeth, making sure he won’t run away.

Story 3 Image Submission 5: Wyz

Author 5: Andail

“What an absurd and incoherent series of event this has been”, Emily thought to herself while ineptly waving the sword in front of her. She found it fruitless to ponder further on how and why she had ended up where she was, as she had trust in God and the plan He had laid out for her.

Monsieur Hardwood was not one to tarry or let opportunities pass by, so without further ado he shot Emily in the chest. Emily died quickly and without pain.

“Gentlemen, ladies - let’s play some cards!” said monsieur Hardwood cheerfully and pocketed the gun. The surrounding crowd of cocktail-sipping high-rollers giggled approvingly and accompanied him to the nearest table, where the croupier greeted him in flawless French and started shuffling the blatantly marked cards.

Emily’s body was soon removed by the cleaner, an illegal immigrant and former ecologist, who regularly claimed to be the inventor of the leek.

“This little intermezzo reminds me of my childhood”, day-dreamed monsieur Hardwood while impressing the spectators by winning a round of Omaha hold ‘em solely by feeling the cards with his bejewelled fingers.

He recalled one of his favourite episodes of his youth – it was a rainy day in the forest back in Bavaria, and it involved a blonde girl, a man with a hat and himself.

Author 6: Bulbapuck

The man took a deep breath as if he was troubled by what he was about to say.

"Did you catch the dog?” Tanya was surprised by the question.

"No, but how did you know I was chasing a dog? In fact, who are you?" Tanya was both troubled and confused at the situation that was taking place. It was as if she were dreaming, only everything was oddly vivid.

The man raised his gun, "If you haven't noticed, I'm the man with the gun here Sam. And I don't appreciate personal questions."

Tanya got even more confused. "I'm not Sam, she is." she said and pointed towards Sam. The man looked towards the direction she pointed and then looked back at Tanya. "Is this some kind of trick? Because you're not going to fool me Sam. Now, can you see the car parked up the road?" Tanya looked up the road and saw a van. She nodded towards the man, more confused then ever.

"I want you to walk to that van and get in. And no tricks alright?"

Story 3 Image Submission 6: Akatosh

Author 6: Stupot

Then he snapped back to reality. The story of the blonde and the hatted man could wait. There were more pressing matters at hand. Ahh yes… the card game.


Meanwhile, out back, the cleaner was stuffing the body of OUR PROTAGONIST into a white van. He knew exactly where to take her. You see, the business about inventing the leek was but a ruse. His name was Blinkers Sr. and his family had been in long-standing service of the IFFSDASODIA for nigh on 130 years.

Only one person in Europe could bring Emily back from the dead. He closed the van door, turned the key and put his foot down. But no sooner had he pulled onto the highway, than two men dressed in drag, wearing blonde wigs jumped out into the road in front of the van, flailing their arms around wildly.

‘I haven’t got time for this.’ He brought the van to a halt, got out, pulled out his handgun and shot them each in the head saying ‘Get out of my way, fags!’

Back in the van he dialled a number. ‘Laura? Meet me in Paris by morning. And bring my son with you.’

He drove.

Author 7: discordance

“I'm not getting in the car!” Tanya shouted. “I'm not! You can't make me!”

“You can't run away forever,” the man said in a hard voice. “We found you. Now get in the van.”

She stared at him with her mouth hanging open. Then she shook her head. “No,” she said. “No, I don't believe you . . . why do you have a gun? I'm not Sam, I'm Tanya . . .”

“I'm not Sam, I'm Tanya,” the figure behind her echoed.

He smiled crookedly and shook his head. “No,” he said, “I know for a fact who you are. Maybe you remember me, Sam? I was Thomas's best friend. I was going to be his best man . . . but he and Tanya never did get married, did they, Sam? And now I've finally found you . . . pure luck, after all this time.”

Tanya rubbed her hand against her forehead. Her mind was spinning. Something he said almost made sense, there was something she had forgotten . . . “I don't know you,” she said. “Who – what happened? What are you talking about?”

He sighed and looked at the ground. The rain was soaking into his hair, streaming down his face. “All right,” he said. “Maybe it's true and you really don't remember . . . well, then, I'll tell you. You should know what you did . . . your sister Tanya was so happy when she found you again. How could she know what you were really like . . . that you were murderous, insane? You hid it from her so well, like you hid your obsession with Thomas. I suppose when you found out they were going to get married you just couldn't take it any more. You followed them one day when they were out walking their dog . . . we found them the next day, stuffed into a shed, both their throats torn out. You should have known you wouldn't get away, Sam. That there were people who would never let the trail go.”

Tanya stared at the object in her hand, the bloodied dog paw she'd been frantically chewing. What had she been trying to accomplish? What exactly did she dread? Of course . . . the truth . . . being found out. When she thought of Thomas all her anger bubbled to the surface.

She glanced up into her doppelganger's eyes and smiled. The other smiled back.

“We're both Tanya,” she murmured to herself. “Or are we both Sam? All right . . . I'll go to the car . . . take me to the car.”

“Come on,” said the gunman coldly. “And remember that I'm watching you.”

“That day you died,” she said to the increasingly transparent shape of her sister. “I . . . I was so jealous of you. But I got you both . . . hah . . . and they never found out it was me . . . hah . . . and they will never know . . . because dogs can't speak . . . hah . . . the dog was too quick but dogs never speak . . .”

She pulled the coat tighter around herself and followed the man out into the rain.

“Are you still there, Sam?” she mumbled. “I was so happy when I found you . . . Sam . . . or am I Sam? I can't remember.”

The door to the van opened, but she couldn't see inside. All she could see was the rain.

“We could have been one person, Sam,” she mumbled. “Tanya . . . we could have been one . . . where are you, Sam?”

The ghost was still there, wrapped up in the coat, watching her drive away.

“You're Sam,” she said distantly before vanishing into the darkness.

Story 3 Image Submission 7: Babar

Author 7: Scarab

As a calm shade of amber broke through the morning light, and the cold scent of dew hung in the air, the van came to a halt outside an ancient looking building with a gnarled oak door and boarded up windows.

The blue skinned woman known as Laura was sanding out the front, Blinkers Jr. fidgeting nervously next to her.

‘This hasn’t been tested on someone with no training whatsoever before,’ he muttered, as they opened the van doors and carried Emily inside. ‘Anything could go wrong.’

‘Well, Blinkers,’ said Laura in curt reply, ‘this would have run far more smoothly if your father had not shot the two agents we sent as backup...’


Emily lay on her back, bound to a table with thick leather straps, the only light coming from the dials and electrodes of the dozen machines packed into the cramped room. Her lifeless limbs jolted slightly as Laura jabbed a third needle deep into her heart, causing the wires attached to her body to rattle.

‘It’s time, Blinkers.’ Said Laura, solemnly.

The machines whirred and buzzed, sparks flying everywhere, Laura and Blinkers Jr. holding their breaths as Emily violently jolted and shook, her restraints buckling and straining to keep her pinned to the table. As her skin started to develop a bluish hue, warning lights and alarms began to blink and wail relentlessly.

‘She’s not going to make it!’ Blinkers gasped.



Emily opened her now purple eyes to see Laura and Blinkers looking over her. She didn’t know where she was, could taste blood and had one hell of a headache, but she knew exactly what she needed to do...


